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For many years we have been helping our clients during open enrollment. Some of the activities that we have provided include:

  • Assistance with group enrollment meetings.
  • Webinars to explain how certain programs work.
  • Tailored enrollment materials which specifically outline your plan designs.

Over the past few years, however, open enrollment activities have taken place much closer to the beginning of the Plan Year. Often it occurs because of an extended period of time to decide on the medical plan design.

In response to this change we have developed the capability to compress our enrollment activities into a much shorter period of time.

In addition, we have remained flexible with how we receive enrollment information. Depending upon how you would like to provide us with enrollment information, you have the choice of the following:

  • Submitting paper election forms
  • Submitting enrollment information in spreadsheet format
  • Electronic enrollment through our software system

We also provide reports which summarize all enrollment information which has been entered into our software system. This summary can easily be compared to your data so that we can make sure that employee election is accurate.